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Perspektif Islam Dalam Mendepani Masalah Hubungan Etnik

The Islamic Perspective in Facing the Problems of Ethnic Relations
Nik Kamaliah Nik Abdullah
Che Zarrina Shaari

Main Article Content


Lately the world faced with various problems in particular in the context of relations between ethnic groups. Islam has a clear guideline in arranging the deal with this issue. This article displays a Islamic approach based on principles; knowledge (al-' Ilm), freedom (al-Hurriyah), met (al-Shura), justice (al-' Adalah), equations (Al-Musawah) and brotherhood, love (the spirit of wa al Mahabbah) and responsible (al-Mas'uliyyah) make society from various religious, cultural and ethnic ancestry, could be consolidated under one ummah. Appreciation of the principles of the welfare promises.


Islamic Perspective confronting problems ethnic relations

Article Details

Author Biographies

Nik Kamaliah Nik Abdullah

Calon PhD di Jabatan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, APIUM

Che Zarrina Shaari

Prof Madya dan Penyelia calon

How to Cite
Nik Abdullah, N. K., & Shaari, C. Z. (2020). Perspektif Islam Dalam Mendepani Masalah Hubungan Etnik: The Islamic Perspective in Facing the Problems of Ethnic Relations. Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 7(2), 13–34. Retrieved from