Successful Reconstructive Surgery for Facial Deformity Caused by Paederus fuscipes: An Illustrative Case Report


  • Rusni Noordin Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  • Anis Marlina Ibne Walid Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Ministry of Health Malaysia; Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Temerloh, Pahang, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  • Muhammad Ridwan Yeop Ismail Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Ministry of Health Malaysia; Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Perlis, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  • Shah Kamal Khan Jamal Din Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah, Ministry of Health Malaysia



blister, esthetics, facial injuries, skin transplantation


Full thickness skin graft is a simple and reliable method for closure of small facial wound defect. A thorough understanding of how a skin graft heals and how to perform the procedure is essential for successful outcome. We report the use of full thickness skin graft in a wound closure of a facial skin defect caused by Paederus fuscipes, locally known as charlie. An 8-year old boy developed blister and painful swelling over his right cheek following skin contact with charlie. This lesion gradually became extensive, eventually leading to tissue loss and facial wound defect. A full thickness skin grafting was performed with satisfactory functional and excellent aesthetic result.



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Case Report