Granular cells in a benign parotid gland tumour: an attempt to understand its probable histogenesis


  • T. George Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Dental Faculty, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
  • R.B. Zain Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Center, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • M.T. Abraham Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Jalan Langat, 41200, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.



granular cell tumour, histogenesis, S-100, NSE, schwannoma, CD-68


Tumours that occur in the oral cavity may contain granular cells as a component of their pathology. A more common granular cell lesion occurring in the head and neck region is the granular cell tumour (GCT) that usually arises in the tongue or the buccal mucosa. Granular cell tumours are very rare in the parotid gland with only 11 cases previously reported in the English literature. We report a case of a benign tumour involving the parotid gland of a young female patient. The case was diagnostically challenging due to the large proportion of granular cells masking the underlying pathology. Histopathological features and immunohistochemical analysis favoured a diagnosis of a benign GCT. The present report provides an insight into the differential diagnosis and attempts to characterise the granular cells with the use of the wellestablished immunohistochemical markers and conventional histopathological techniques.







Case Report