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Aida Nurul Ain Binti Abd Rahman
Mohammad Nazzri Bin Ahmad


Penyelidikan ini memberikan tumpuan pada aspek terapeutik dalam
teater tradisional Main Peteri yang didapati mempunyai kesan
penyembuhan pada jasmani, psikologi dan emosi sekaligus mengangkat
seni persembahan Main Peteri sebagai sebuah bentuk drama terapi Melayu.
Unsur terapeutik yang dikenal pasti dalam Main Peteri akan dijelaskan
dari segi kesan terapeutiknya yang berfungsi sebagai agen penyembuh
penyakit. Unsur terapeutik ini, iaitu Diri dan Peranan (Self and Role),
Luar Sedar (Unconscious), Representasi (Representation), Pemisah
(Distancing), Spontan (Spontaneity) dan Khalayak dan Penyaksian
(Interactive audience and witnessing) digariskan sebagai ‘Faktor Terapeutik
Main Peteri’ hasil penemuan berdasarkan konseptual drama terapi iaitu
‘Therapeutic Factors of Dramatherapy’ oleh Phil Jones dan ‘Role Theory Model
of Dramatherapy’ oleh Robert J. Landy yang merupakan kerangka konsep
kajian. Fungsi dan perkaitan antara faktor-faktor terapeutik berkenaan
dirumuskan sebagai ‘Mekanisme Rawatan Main Peteri’ untuk melihat
bagaimana setiap ‘Faktor Terapeutik Main Peteri’ itu berfungsi untuk
mencapai matlamat terapeutik, iaitu Katarsis, Keseimbangan Rohani, Respon Relaksasi dan Aktualisasi Diri yang menyumbang ke arah proses
Kata Kunci: Terapeutik, Main Peteri, Drama terapi, Katarsis.

This research focuses on the therapeutic aspects of the traditional Malay theater
‘Main Peteri’, which is believed to have healing effects on physical, psychological
and emotional states, thereby qualifying it as a form of dramatherapy.
Therapeutic properties identified in the Main Peteri are explored and described
in terms of their effects as healing agents. The therapeutic categories include
role and self, the unconscious, representation, distancing, spontaneity, interactive
audience and witnessing are outlined in the findings as therapeutic factors of
Main Peteri. This invention is based on the conceptual frameworks of
Therapeutic Factors of Dramatherapy (Jones, 2006) and ‘Role Theory Model
of Dramatherapy’ (Landy, 1994) which are the conceptual framework of the
study. The fuctions and relations between each therapeutic factor are formulated
as a ‘Mechanisme of Treatment in Main Peteri’ which presents each therapeutic
factor’s function toward achieving the therapeutic goals of ‘catharsis’, ‘psyche
balancing’, ‘relaxation response’ and ‘self-actualization’, which contribute
towards the healing process.
Keywords: therapeutic, Main Peteri, dramatherapy, catharsis.


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How to Cite
Abd Rahman, A. N. A. B., & Ahmad, M. N. B. (2017). FAKTOR TERAPEUTIK DALAM MAIN PETERI: THERAPEUTIC FACTORS IN MAIN PETERI). Jurnal Pengajian Melayu (JOMAS), 28(1), 21–44. Retrieved from https://borneojournal.um.edu.my/index.php/JPM/article/view/9611