Al-Ḍād Journal <p><em><strong>Al-Ḍād</strong> </em>Journal is an internationally refereed scholarly online journal published by the Department of Arabic and Middle Eastern Languages, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya. Interest areas of research include language, literary criticism, rhetoric, grammar, semantics, sounds, dictionaries, language teaching, history of linguistics, civilization, culture, and other linguistic studies. It is published twice a year on the Web (July and December). Papers will be published in Arabic, English, and Malay. Papers on theories and practices including those on discussions of and reflections on methods, techniques and ideas useful in the classroom are welcomed. There must be critical discussions of the issues, new and significant contribution to the related field. Papers should not be less than 15 pages and not more than 25 pages.</p> <p>(e-ISSN: 2637-1146)</p> Jabatan Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa-bahasa Timur Tengah en-US Al-Ḍād Journal 2637-1146 Arabic Language Rules in Forming a Scholarly Personality of Exegete <p style="font-weight: 400;">None of the scholars of the Qur’an who set the conditions that must be fulfilled by an exegete disagreed that Arabic language is one of the components of the exegete. However, their opinions differed regarding the required level of knowledge of Arabic language that the exegete should have. This research demonstrates the required level of knowledge of Arabic language, based on what scholars wrote about the origins of interpretation through induction. The research reached the most significant results as follows: (1) The scholars unanimously agreed that knowledge of the Arabic language is an essential component of the exegete, and his interpretation of the Qur’an is not valid without it, and his opinion is not accepted without it, (2) The differences in the opinions of scholars regarding the level of knowledge of Arabic language that should be obtained by the exegete and the degree which he must reach it, (3) The multiplicity of opinions of scholars in considering the Arabic sciences that the exegete should know, (4) It has been proven that the issues of the principles of interpretation that the exegete must practice in his interpretation of the Qur’an are issues related to the grammar, morphology, rhetoric, language, and logic.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords:</strong> rules of Arabic language, Arabic linguistics sciences, forming the exegete, conditions of the exegete, understanding the Qur’an</p> Zamakhsyari Hasballah Thaib Salahuddin Mohd. Shamsuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 1 16 10.22452/aldad.vol7no2.1 Development Stages of the Couplet of (Bulūgh al-Amal fī Tafsīl al-Jumal) through Two Editions of the Book <p style="font-weight: 400;">The research aims to study the stages of development of the couplet of (<em>Bulūgh al-Amal fī Tafsīl al-Jumal</em>) in the two editions of the book, where the first edition was the beginning, but Imam Al-Salmi modified and increased it in the second edition, then increased and modified after the second edition, which demonstrates that the science grows over time. The Imam also left the amendments to show that the science is gaining its ground and that the beginning is not like the end and in the end the research aims at shedding light on the differences between these versions. The sentences as well as the modifications made by Imam Al-Salmi on the first version, then the amendments he made before the second version, and then the amendments he made to the second version, that show the importance of language for Imam Al-Salmi. It became clear from this research the following results: 1- The humility of Imam Al-Salmi, as he left the original and the amendment to show the shortcomings in his original system, 2- The amendments made by Imam Al-Salmi increased the strength and integrity of the system, 3- Imam Al-Salmi’s keenness in the amendments to facilitate the matter in the student to make it easier for him to express. The research necessitates prospective work on studying the versions and showing the differences between them, which applies the language and reveals more of its secrets and shows the reasons for the difference, which facilitates the understanding of the couplet and its parsing for students of Arabic language grammar.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords: </strong>Stages of development, couplet, <em>Bulūgh al-Amal</em>, <em>Tafsīl al-Jumal</em>, Imam Al-Salmi</p> Majid Hamood Subait AlMuqaimi Mat Taib Pa Syakirah Rifa'in@Mohd Rifain Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 17 44 10.22452/aldad.vol7no2.2 Arabic Maqāmāt in Light of Foreign Antiquities (An Inductive Study) <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research deals with an important subject, which takes a great place in the context of the linguistic and literary and criticism works which were the subject of foreign studies.&nbsp;This research is concerned with how non-Arab critics receive the ancient Arab prose. The research took the art of Arabic <em>Maqāmāt</em> as a model for it, as it touched the influence of this art<br>which was famous and popularized by Badi'zaman al-Hamzani, Abu Bakr al-Hariri, and others. Their impact was evident in the global creativity map, whether in Persian, Spanish, Hebrew, or other literature. The importance of this research has been increased that it took care of the critical impact that these Arabic <em>Maqāmāt</em> left on foreigners where many of them pay great attention to it, as it also subjected to a distinguished critical standard, as in the case of one of the German orientalists who the search took him as evidence of that.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords:</strong> ancient Arabic prose - non-Arabic antiquities - influence and impact - Adam Metz</p> Fahd Ibrahim Saad AlBakar Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 45 59 10.22452/aldad.vol7no2.3 Comparison of Four Types of Interrogative Sentences in Chinese and Arabic Language (A Grammatical Study) <p style="font-weight: 400;">An interrogative sentence is a common sentence used in daily life and communication. The main purpose of an interrogative sentence is to ask questions that the inquirer does not yet know and expects to be answered. There are many types of interrogative sentences in Chinese, mainly categorized into four types, namely general interrogative sentences, special interrogative sentences, selective interrogative sentences, and repeated interrogative sentences. While each type of interrogative sentence has its unique grammatical form and way of answering, there exist similarities among them. Question marks should be added at the end of interrogative sentences, and the tone at the end of the sentence should also go high in pitch. The topic of Arabic and Chinese interrogative sentences has been discussed and studied by many linguistic experts and researchers with many rare research results achieved. Based on previous articles on interrogative sentences, as well as the researchers’ in-depth study of Arabic and Chinese interrogative sentences, but there are very few comparative studies on Chinese and Arabic interrogative sentences. Therefore, to analyze and compare interrogative sentences in these two different languages more comprehensively, researchers will summarize, compare and analyze interrogative sentences in Chinese and Arabic. This paper first adopts a descriptive method to collect information and articles about Chinese and Arabic interrogative sentences, thus laying the quantitative foundation for the research content. The information collected in this article is mainly from grammar textbooks and books written by prominent linguists in Chinese and Arabic, journals published by linguists and researchers, and doctoral and master's theses. The paper then studies various types of interrogative sentences in Chinese and Arabic as the focus, with special attention paid to the similarities and differences presented by the two languages.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: Arabic interrogative sentence, Chinese interrogative sentence, interrogative tool, comparative interrogative sentence, question type.</p> Ding Yibing Haji Mohammad Seman Yan Mei Suo Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 60 72 10.22452/aldad.vol7no2.4 Architecture of Narrative Writing in Saudi Novels <p style="font-weight: 400;">Via a systematic and architectural narrative vision through which the narrative movement is trace, this research is about architecture of Saudi novels, denoting contextual patterns from the first threshold (title), symbols, signs, and icons, from the preface and chapters to the distribution of the black ink and areas, to the architecture of horizontal and vertical writing, and punctuation and pauses as well as the elements of advertising, presentation, and focalization. Saudi novels are classified into tense narrative architecture, empirical narrative architecture, and artistic narrative architecture.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords:</strong> novel, Saudi Arabia, narration, architecture, writing, focalization</p> Arwa Mohammed AlMulla Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 73 99 10.22452/aldad.vol7no2.5 Gibran Khalil Gibran in Turkish Language (A Review of Translations of His Books and Researches on Him in Turkey) <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research contains a short sketch of Gibran’s life, his intellectual background, and a review of the translations of his works and studies on him in Turkiye. It indicates that the first translation of Gibran into Turkish was done in 1946 by Ömer Rıza Doğrul. Almost all of Gibran’s works have been translated into Turkish. As the researcher mentions, the most famous translator of Gibran is Cahit Koytak, a well-known poet in Turkiye. The researcher argues that Gibran was perceived in Turkiye, as a Sufi – sage, and, had never been considered an “eccentric”, or “alien”. Furthermore, he argues that The New Age Movement of the ‘70s might have increased translations of Gibran in Turkiye. After reviewing remarkable academic activities, the researcher determined that most of the Gibran studies in Turkish academia focus on this unique author's philosophical and religious aspects.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords:</strong> Kahlil Gibran, Gibran Translations, Gibran Studies in Turkiye</p> A. Sait Aykut Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Ḍād Journal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 7 2 100 136