The Prevalence Of Oro-Facial Pain And Discomfort Among 16-Year Old Students In Kelantan - A Pilot Study


  • Nasruddin Jaafar Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya
  • Roslan Saub Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry,University Malaya
  • Ishak Abdul Razak Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya



oral pain, oral discomfort, oral health survey


A pilot study was conducted on 135 sixteen-year-old students from three rural schools in Kelantan to establish the prevalence of orofacial pain and discomfort. About 44% reported to have experienced some oro-facial pain in the preceding four weeks. About 27% of those with pain, still experienced the pain at the time of clinical examination but only 8% have consulted professional help. Most of the pain encountered were only mild or moderate in nature. Only 7% and 10% respectively, reported that the pain affected their sleep and concentration to study. The main cause was toothache and sensitivity. The prevalence of discomfort was 22%, the most common causes being recurrent oral ulcers and bleeding gums. The impacts of orofacial pain was mainly manifested at the personal level, and very few affecting social functioning. However, untreated decay and missing teeth were very low (mean DT 0.47, mean MT 0.27), while filled teeth (mean Ff 2.9) was the main component of the DMFf (mean 3.66, sd ? 2.6). Severe periodontal disease and the prevalence of traumatised teeth was not a major public health problem. The high prevalence of pain merit further research. Therefore a larger study involving other age-groups in other states is planned.







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