Toothpastes Available In The Malaysian Market


  • Sabri Musa Department of Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya 50603, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Roslan Saub Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya



fluoride toothpaste, children, labelling


This study was undertaken to investigate the number and types (fluoride or non-fluoride) of toothpaste products available in the Malaysian market based on the label. Thirty-five brands of toothpaste were identified, of which ten (29%) were specifically recommended for children. Two of the children's toothpaste recommended that children below seven years old use a pea size amount of toothpaste. One (3%) was recommended for both children and adult. The remaining 24 (69%) did not state if they were recommended for either children or adults. To improve the flavour of the toothpastes, a variety of flavours had been added especially in children's toothpaste. Almost half of the toothpastes were for prevention of tooth decay and gum disease. Other indications were for tooth sensitivity, tooth whitening and stain removal. Twentyseven (77%) of the toothpastes were imported, while eight (23%) were made in Malaysia. Twenty-six (74%) of the toothpaste contained fluoride and the most common type of fluoride used was sodium monofluorophosphate (NaMFP). The fluoride concentration was not labeled in more than half (63%) of the fluoridated toothpaste. Of those that were fluoridated, different units of measurement were used. As there is no uniformity in the labelling of these products, it is recommended that the responsible authorities should take more action in enforcing proper labelling of the fluoride concentration in the toothpaste using standardized units.







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