Retrospective Study Of Periodontal Patients Profile In A Teaching Institution


  • Tara Binti Taiyeb Ali Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya
  • Ishak Abdul Razak Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University Malaya



periodontitis, periodontal status, plaque, bleeding on probing, bone loss, probing pocket depth


The purpose of the present study was to determine the periodontal profile, toothbrushing habits and oral hygiene status of patients referred to a teaching institution for periodontal treatment, based on patients' treatment records. A total of 207 consecutive patients diagnosed with periodontitis who had been interviewed and clinically examined over a period of approximately one year were included in this study. The assessments of plaque levels, bleeding on probing (BOP) scores, probing pocket depth (PPD) and degree of bone loss from radiographs were made. The average age of this study group was 45 ± 12.8 years old with an age range of 20 to 76 years. The subjects comprised of 40% Malays, 34% Chinese and 26% Indians. The male to female ratio was almost 1.5: 1. These patients presented with high plaque and BOP scores. These findings do not concur with the high frequency of toothbrushing reported (86.5 % of subjects brushing twice or more times per day). This may reflect on the ineffectiveness of brushing as evident from their high plaque scores. Periodontal pockets were detected in 69 % of the teeth in these patients with an average of 17 teeth per patient being involved. Probing pocket depths of >6mm was found on the average in 3 teeth per patient. Alveolar bone loss as assessed from radiographs was detected in 52 % of the teeth in this study group of which 12 teeth per patient on the average exhibited this. Advanced bone loss involving about 2/3 and more of the root length was detected on the average on 1 tooth per patient. Early onset periodontitis accounted for about 5% of the total cases seen. About 21 % of subjects suffered from advanced adult periodontitis. Hence about a-quarter of the patients referred already had marked periodontal destruction.







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